A nime, the Japanese art form that has captivated global audiences for decades, is often celebrated for its compelling characters, intricate...
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P eople love drama. Why else would we devote several hours of our lives glued to our computer and/or smartphones watching some angsty heroin...
O ne big difference between anime and other cartoons is that anime reveals just how intricate life can be. Other cartoons draw characters an...
T he initial Rurouni Kenshin TV series was mostly a blast, with its humorous, action-packed relation of the adventures of Kenshin Himura, a...
"They're tarot cards. They can tell you your fortune." -Hitomi Kanzaki SOME LINKS IN THIS POST ARE AFFILIATE LINKS. I MAY EA...
M aybe you don't know it but the anime show you are watching may actually be part of the curriculum of a literature class in college. Ev...